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Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Silent Thanksgiving

We've been hit with our first wave of the cold and flu season these past few days. Noah had ear infection & eye infection, Asha had sinus infection/cough/stomach flu, and I was the lucky recipient of a sore throat and laryngitis. As in, a complete and total loss of my voice.  For those of you who know me and my propensity to uh, "chat", it's proving to be a staggering disability.

The voice is ever so slowly coming back. I went from complete silence, to uttering a squeaky note here and there, to sounding like a young boy right smack in the midst of a pubescent voice change. Awesome. I was hoping that by later today, I would be able to at least hold a conversation with my family members as we share turkey dinner. I may be able to utter a word or two, but certainly won't be able to hold my own with the inevitable volume levels at the table. So alas, I feel I will be at a loss for words. Literally.

So I thought I'd make a list of the things that I won't be able to say on Thanksgiving Day:

"Hey, it's been a while! You look great!"

"Stop eating all the olives before dinner!"

"Ok everyone, squooosh together so I can get you all in the picture."

"Pass the gravy."

"Hey, hit me with some more of that wine."

"Pipe down in there! Are you a bunch of wild monkeys? More eating, less chatting!"

"Pass the lefse."

"Pass the butter."

"Pass the sugar."

"Pass the Tums."

"You cheater, 3 of a kind do too trump a pair of Aces!"

"I am NOT getting up at 4:00 am to wait out in the cold for a 20% discount on a Barbie Minivan. Seriously, I'm not doing it."

"Wake me at 3:00."

"I'm thankful."

Thankful that my dear amazing husband ran to the store 73 times because I forgot ___________. Thankful that he cleaned the basement -- 4 times due to the kids' destruction -- because relatives were coming.

Thankful that my in-laws drove 9 hours in the awful weather to come here to spend this weekend with us.

Thankful that my own family is able to enjoy the holiday gathered together, even though I miss them dearly and wish I could spend it with them.  I am sad to miss out on Mom's home cookin', and especially sad that I won't get to see her trying to prepare her feast all from upon her little scooter! (haha!)  I'm thankful that the long-distance family that can't be with us have somewhere to go to share their day with.

Thankful for my family, by blood, by marriage, or by golly. They are truly wonderful people who make me happy to be alive and enjoy these moments and enjoy the old memories and make wonderful new ones. 

Thankful for a fantastic Auntie who cooks up a storm and manages to feed all 30+ of us a plentiful and delicious feast every year. Thankful for a sister-in-law who "gets me" and helps me deal with the in-laws & outlaws.  Thankful for a mother-in-law who demonstrates to me (and my daughter) what it means to be a "strong woman".

Thankful for 4 furry paws who greet me every day with a wagging tail and an unconditional love.

Thankful for a great, steady job I like, at a company who shows their appreciation to me as an employee and helps put plenty food on my table and warm clothes on my back.

Thankful for my health.  Despite my current lack of voice and the arsenal of antibiotics the family has been on of late, we have been blessed with excellent health.

Thankful for a beautiful, warm home full of nice things. Especially thankful for the 3 healthy, happy, beautiful blonde people to share in wonderful, crazy life with me. Thankful that they make me feel so loved and needed and motivate me to be a better person every day.

So I might not be able to say it very loudly, but I truly say with meaning:

"I AM so very thankful for this life I have been blessed with. Even though I know this every day of my life, I am especially reminded of it on this day of giving thanks."

I am thankful indeed.

Wishing you all the happiest of Thanksgivings!

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