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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Redecorating the Castle

My reported recent “creativity streak” put me in the mood for some redecorating around the house. We’ve lived in this house for over a year and a half, and there are still WAY too many walls without anything hanging on them. Which sorta bugs me from time to time. I remember living in apartments and rental houses and hating the bland white walls, wanting nothing more than to paint them! Then we moved into this house, which has plenty of white walls (with a few variations of darker white/cream/beige throughout). Pretty bland, but I don't mind.  I chose not to paint when we moved in, well, because quite frankly, I fricken HATE painting. Our house in SD came with these horrifying mauve bathroom, salmon bedroom, and barfy orange sponge-painted living/dining room walls which required a complete paint-job makeover. I despised every moment of it, and swore I’d never pick up a paintbrush again if I wasn’t forced to!

So when we moved into this lovely and freshly-painted home, I was SUPER happy to never give a second thought to it. My decorating style is "the simpler the better", function over form for me! But when the Little Man arrived I had a very clear idea of what I’d decorate his room like – trying to be in keeping with the family tradition, he would have a little cowboy room. More of a "retro cowboy", to be exact, which actually fit well with the buff wall color, one of the few rooms in the house that's not pure white.  I can see evidence of some nasty mint-green that must've existed in that room at one time, so I'm thankful for what surely was a realtor who knew that ugly doesn't sell!  It was SO fun rounding up (har har) all the things to decorate with, kindof a mix of new stuff that looks old, and old stuff with some history to it. About a month ago I did a slight change-up and got rid of the changing table (he kept trying to climb it and/or jump off) and replaced it with a toy organizer, as he’s actually getting to the age where he can put away a toy or 2 when asked!  Hallelujah!

The Lil' Buckaroo's Room
Testing out the door mechanisms, just to make sure it works and can sufficiently pinch little fingers in it...

Some fun 'artifacts' in this little display: That's Daddy on his horse as a little boy in the picture frame and his pony shirt from when he was a baby, and Grandpa's old spurs hanging from the shelf.  The lamp is an old 'repurposed' one, re-covered in the same fabric I used to make the curtains, diaper stacker & matching blanket.

His favorite little reading nook.  He takes after his Dad with his love for books! The pic on the right is Mommy as a little cowgirl at about 2 years, on the left is Uncle Seth & Mommy 'sunbathing' in our winter jackets!

Papa Chuck's rope, chaps & vest from his childhood. Papa made the cool horseshoe hanger too!
These retro photos are of Papa Chuck, Great-Aunt Donna, and Great-Uncle Bob back when they were little cowpokes! The wall decals are from Target (something old, something new?)
One of my favorite sayings by a great old cowboy hero (John Wayne) that I dressed up with a little Photoshop magic.

Hand-painted by Mommy (bought the letters from Hobby Lobby). The brands on the "A" are all family brands: from the 246 Ranch, Christman Herefords, and the Veeder ranch.
 But poor miss Asha’s room was another story. She’d had hand-me-down furniture, and the same bedding set that matched her crib set when she was born. It was a darling purple daisy set, but it was looking a little droopy and faded after a few years of ‘tough love’. So we sat down at the computer together one day and did a little online shopping for a new bedding set. She picked the cutest little ladybug quilt, so we ordered it and decorated the rest of the room around that theme! We also picked out some new (matching!) furniture from IKEA… oh, IKEA!! I totally fell in love with that store (read: obsession). I spent 4 hours there when we went to the cities in June, which is beyond ridiculous, but that’s how much I love that place. Anyway, we got her all set up with her new digs and here’s how it turned out!

The new (super-girly!) ladybug room
Aaah, the pink vanity, party to many makeup incidents, including one where she & her buddy Georgia washed their hair with orange soda during our New Year's Eve party.  Santa searched from hell to breakfast for that thing!  He said it was totally worth the look on her face when she opened it, though! ;)
Her Build-A-Bear is so "special", it gets its own shelf!
I'm really into the cube organizers! Cute and functional.  There are more Barbies and Polly Pockets tucked away in that sucker than I care to think about! 

One of my favorite pics of her is the one in the middle - Shar (daycare provider) took it for their parent's program when Ash was about 2 1/2.  It is just too cute!  The pic of Grama Deb & the kids is so sweet too, she looks at it every night and says, "aww, I miss my Gramma." *sniffle*. 

The easel is her favorite toy, well worth the $14 (thanks IKEA!) 
The shelf holds her new favorite ladybug dressup costume, and her art smock.

I painted these as well, Asha picked out the ladybug cutouts and ribbon.
I would also like to point out the that the childrens' rooms are both CLEAN.  This is the first, and likely last time this will ever be the case.  Which is why I took lots of pictures, lest I forget.  So next up is the BIG project:  we are getting new flooring in the entire upstairs level next week!  With the white carpet (UGH! not anymore - it's brownish-speckled now!) which was put in by the previous owners, it is very much time for a change.  I'll try to remember to post pics when it's all done.  Y'know, cuz it'll be clean and all.  CAN'T WAIT!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed!! Now you wanna come over to my house and help me!?!

Both rooms are great Shan! Job well done!